Terms of use

We hope that you enjoy using TiltShiftMaker to enhance and transform your photos. To help things run smoothly, we need to ask all users of the site to do so within the following terms & general conditions.

Use of the service:

You agree not to use the service for illegal purposes, or attempt to access other users' data from the service.

Accounts are for personal use only. Accounts may be used in commercial organisations, however a separate account is required for each user needing access. Please contact us if you're interested in using the paid membership version of TiltShiftMaker in a school, camera club, or other non-profit organisation.

Account holders are responsible for actions performed using their accounts. Please keep your account details safe and contact us if you suspect unauthorized use of your account information.

Users may not engage in abusive or disruptive behaviour which may affect the service or other users of the service.

Users may not access the service except in the manner provided. Please contact us if you would like to suggest using the service on an alternative platform. You agree not to sell, resell, reproduce, duplicate, copy or use for any commercial purposes any portion of this site, or use of or access to this site. (You are free of course to use for any purpose images created with the service, in accordance with whatever rights you may have to the original image.)

You agree that using the service provided is at your own risk. The owners of tiltshiftmaker.com do not assume liability for any loss or damages incurred either directly or indirectly as a result of using the site.

Users in breach of these terms may have their accounts suspended or revoked without compensation or prior notice.

General conditions:

We are not responsible for establishing copyright on uploaded pictures. Any copyrights or licenses present in the original images used remain intact after processing through this site. We do not claim any copyright or license on your images.

We reserve the right to update, modify or remove aspects of the service without prior notice.

In the process of maintaining and developing the site, we may have some disruption of services. Although we endeavour to keep any service disruption to a minimum, we are not responsible for losses or claims due to service outages. Full site members may, at our sole discretion, be compensated with account extensions in the event of prolonged service disruptions.

Images are held for no longer than 72 hours, so can not be hotlinked to. Please upload your completed images to an appropriate hosting site such as Flickr, Facebook, ImageShack, Photobucket etc.

By using the service, you agree to these terms & conditions. We reserve the right to modify these terms in the future.

Note: "The service" refers to the tiltshiftmaker.com website and services provided on it.
"We" refers to the owners of the service tiltshiftmaker.com.
"Users" are all users of the site, both registered and un-registered.
"Full members" are users who have registered an account and paid the membership fee.

Please also see the Privacy Policy for more details.